Tuesday, 10 September 2013

live like a bohemian, live good 〜♪

so this is gunna be my first blog post about furniture.
to be a little more exact it will be about (as the title already says) bohemian furniture. 
maybe also a little bit hippie-like..
well, here's a photo anyway since i think it'll help you better understand what the random luxembourgish girl is actually talking about : 

and that's really really what i want my room to look like!
it shall look JUST like this *omg* ! ❤❤❤
i want it to be fair and colourful 
and i love it when there are cushions and blankets all over the place..
 - just can't get enough of them they're just soo comfy!! -  ゚・:,。..
(you probably might think it's just terribly looking like a mess but that's just how i like it.)

here a few more examples :


and the best thing.. i've found out where to get furniture to get your own room as closest as possible to this!! 
it is............ URBAN OUTFITTERS!! 
yup, it's urban outfitters. 
until today i didn't even know they had a 'home' section because i've just never mentioned it at any of their shops but when i've checked their website i've noticed it and you have no idea how happy it made me discovering this new worlds !

here are some of my favourites they offer on their website :






aren't these cushions so cute?
and this swing 〜 i love to swing..

If you're also interested in restyling or personalizing your room or making it more comfortable and like this style you should definitely check the urban outfitters out !
- they are the pure style ~☆

i've (surprisingly) also found really nice furniture on h&m.com ! 
also check this out if you want

hope you've like this post and felt kind of inspired ~(´・ω・`)

xoxo  Micky


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