The Bane Chronicles is a collection of 11 stories around the adventures of Magnus Bane, the High Warlock of Brooklyn, and takes the reader on a journey throughout his 800 years on earth and through history.
Admittedly, I am a big fan of Cassandra Clare's books and Magnus Bane is probably my favourite figure of hers.
Not probably lastly because I can associate with his personality so well, He's adventurous but at the same time so deep. And he appeared in every book of Cassandra Clare so far which is why it was interesting for me to read a book entirely based on him. The book was surprisingly well written and I would especially recommend it to those who have already read books of Clare's Mortal Instruments or Clockwork series since it aids the reader to find a certain coherence between the stories and events in 'The Bane Chronicles' - although I don't think the knowledge of these books is absolutely necessary to enjoy 'The Bane Chronicles'.
This Book made me laugh, think and brought me to the brink of crying with it's ability to draw me into a so entirely different world from ours and that, to me, is all it needs to make it a good book.
Of course reading the 'Bane Chronicles' requires a certain extend of imagination and willingness to accept the mysterious or even impossible in order to really get under Mr. Bane's spell and enjoy the book. But if you bring these qualities, then I guarantee you that you will not miss to enjoy this 'magnificently' well written book.
Here's one of my favourite extracts from the book that perfectly describes Clare's descriptive and catching style of writing;
Hope this review was helpful, have a magical weekend!
xx ♡ Micky
I have to check this out because it sounds so good! Hopefully, when im done reading all the books i put aside hehe Awesome review Michelle!
Thank you :) & yeah if you're into fantasy as a genre I'm pretty sure you'll like this book.