Tuesday, 21 July 2015


Ok, so I've just recently encountered this new trend on the internet called "Don't judge a book by it's cover" or "Don't Judge Challenge" and for all those of you who haven't heard of it yet - it's basically teenagers recording short clips of themselves where they've modified their looks to purposefully make themselves appear 'ugly' with painted-on mono brows, pimples and wearing big, nerdy glasses for instance (who even told them that these things are what makes a person ugly??), they then cover the camera with their hand and when they remove the hand they are shown all styled up looking their absolute (and of course natural, ahem..) 'best'.
Now the seeming 'goal' of this was originally to promote tolerance for people who look different form the norm, hence are perceived less attractive and to ditch the dogmatic beauty ideals - but to be REALLY honest with you and to say it with quite blatant words (excuses for my language) this has really turned into nothing but bullshit! 
Do these kids really think they are helping people that can't help or change the way they look by shaming them for not matching society's (sometimes ridiculous) beauty standards and into believing they're ugly??
In my opinion, this challenge is just taking body shaming to a whole new level and all the shallow, superficial teenagers participating in this are just doing it to impress their crush and get attention really. 
There's no way to fight mobbing with even more mobbing.
Seeing nonsense like this I sort of wish I could just exit the planet to be honest.. 
To me personally beauty is about so much more than just appearance-

This was my opinion on the matter but what do you think?  

 (please excuse me if this sounded too much like a rant) 

xx Micky



  1. Ugh, I absolutely hate the Don't Judge Challenge! I have fairly bad acne, and I already feel really bad about it. and this "don't judge" challenge makes me feel even worse because it's not something I can just simply wash off ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

    1. I totally agree, I'm absolutely against it - too! And the name is sarcasm in itself saying 'don't judge' when in reality all those kids do is judging others...

  2. I feel you!! I have bad acne as well and let me tell you, I get bullied so many times because of my skin even back then the guys and the girls would compare me to this other girl (who's my bff) and I just feel so horrible about myself. They would say I'm ugly and always say things like, "She's prettier than you. Why can't you be pretty as her?" It makes me so sad how people don't realize my good nature, but my genetic acne face. But I believe in my personality and not my looks ^__^

    Linxnee-Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle

    1. I find this whole challenge such a mockery of those people who don't fit in with the 'ideal' beauty standards. Just because you are different doesn't mean you can't be as beautiful - Actually, I have found people who were different often to be way more beautiful than the ones that were trying way too hard and ended up focusing on nothing but their superficial, outer appearances.

  3. This is completely stupid and I agreed with you
    And another good point sometimes the worst part of a person are the inner monsters.


    1. Thank you for your opinion, I absolutely agree with your statement!

  4. one word.. HORRIBLE! I only watched 33 seconds of it.. literally so not worth it and so not positive.. and worst of all.. sooo not helping. Right? Totally agree with your views on this!
    Jade x

    1. I agree! - it's the perfect example of how much personality does actually add to a person's attractiveness. I think a person can be exactly what we describe as the ideal beauty but as long as they mock others for their flaws I would never even dream about calling them anything remotely related to beautiful!

  5. Agreed! I have a similar post in my blog (check the link below), plus how #dontjudgechallenge was triggered. Just check it out!


    1. thank you for your input, I really liked your post to this, too :)

  6. Okay, I watched the first thirty seconds and I've had enough. This is horrible. I mean, this is neither worth our time, nor changing anything, I so share your opinion on how much of bullshit it is.

    { itslecafenoir.blogspot.com }


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