Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Breast cancer awareness month & #thinkpink

(No comments on my handwriting ok.. ^^;)

I thought about whether or not to write this post for quite a while if I'm honest but since October is officially breast cancer awareness month I finally managed to get myself together and write about this topic...
It is a topic that concerns us all since it can literally happen to all of us. One of the typical things that you live in awareness of but in the firm belief that it will never happen to you. You never think about it, blend it out until you wake up one day with a lump in your breast and get the fatal diagnose. 

Breast cancer is in fact one of the most common types of cancer with more than 3 million cases in the US alone
1 out of 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime and that is a scary high number! Out of the 220.000 women diagnosed with breast cancer in the US annually, more 40.000 will die of the consequences. 
And although this is something that, yes, majorly affects women, men can develop breast cancer as well so the sole fact that you're a male human being won't exclude you from the possibilities of getting this type of cancer. 
Cancer cells can literally develop out of nowhere and often without us even noticing it in the early stages so an early diagnose thanks to the right precaution can dramatically increase the chances of a successful treatment and your survival! That's why it's important that we, especially us women, check ourselves for potential symptoms of breast cancer once in a while. 
The most common symptoms of this type of cancer are: cancer-related-fatigue, swollen lymph-nodes, unexplained weight loss, discomfort in your breast, sore nipple and especially lumps in your breast so make sure you feel your breasts for potential lumps here and then. 
The best thing you can do to make sure you're fine are mammograms as they have been proven to reduce the number of deaths by 30-40% especially among women ages 40-70 so don't only make sure that you yourself aren't affected by breast cancer but also insure that your mom gets herself checked regularly, if she doesn't already do so, since the risks for older women to develop breast cancer are even higher. 

Having had a grandmother who fought breast cancer half her life, I really can't emphasise how important this precaution is, especially as we get older. We only have this one body and probably only this one life, so we should make sure we get to see it all.  Don't give cancer a chance!

xx ♡ Micky 

P.S. find out more about this matter here.



  1. you blog is so cute xD
    yeah, breast cancer can affect man and woman. I hope your grandmother is a fighter. she can fight this.

    Fresh Cappuccino

    1. Thank you – she in fact fought it successfully and reached a really high age :)

  2. Bless your soul for this awareness post, and your handwriting is adorable, hahaha.

    May | THE MAYDEN

    1. Haha I'm glad you still like it & yeah it's so important to be aware of the risks and basic facts about breast cancer

  3. Thank you for sharing this~! There needs to be more and more awareness <33


  4. I love how you address the breast cancer month and spreading awareness to everyone. It's such a pleasure to have someone like you to explain full details on it ^__^

    Linxnee-Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Thanks, I'll check out your blog asap x


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