Saturday, 18 January 2014

Back 'home'

It's already 2 weeks now since i'm back in the UK and a lot of things happened already.
The school is still the same but on the weekends 
me and my friends do lots of exciting and fun stuff. 
We go to the cinema quite a lot and also party of course! ^^

I stole this one from my friend..

The weather is really killing me tho..
Can you imagine that since i am back here i think there was only one day without rain?!
it is not even only the fact of rain but the fact of the depressing atmosphere - the grey sky, the cold and wet air, that is making me feel upset.
Some of my friends are getting bad headaches from the weather and others just go totally grumpy,  
I guess pretty much everyone has their only negative reaction to the weather.
It is simply so frustrating..

Other than that i have some quite surprising news - 
i started watching k-drama (= korean drama series)
I just started watching 'The Heirs' (상속자들 - 왕관을 쓰려는 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라 
& love it already.
I think it's because i was kind of influenced by my best friend who's from Hong Kong and constantly watches korean drama when i'm at home. I've missed the voices and the melodies of the korean TV because i've got so used to it during the winter vacation. 
But maybe it's also because i simply miss my friend and that is something,
i can assossiate with him - dunno.. 
The only thing i'm sure about is that i really like it and it makes me feel happy. 
It's even interesting - the only thing that's a bit exhausting is reading the subtitles all the time in order to understant what they are saying.
However if you are a fan of korean drama and haven't watched 'The Heirs' yet, 
I can highly recommend you to do so..;)

Thank you for reading! :)

xoxo  Micky


Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year! ~♡ ♡ ♡

So.. now it's all over again...
The annual christmas madness and the new year's binge drinkings.
I hope you've all had very nice ones. 
Since for me, it can still only get better each year.
I have to admit, I've enjoyed Christmas Parties back in England, Christmas Parties & - shopping in Luxembourg and Germany very much this year. 
And now it's almost time to go back to the UK already again.. 
Time this vacation really passed so fast for me 
and it just made me realise how much i really love my friends and family.
The more I'm gonna miss them when i'm back for studying I fear...

Well, here are some photos:
We've even met Santa on the EF Christmas Party! 

back home i've really enjoyed being reunited with my friends again (♥´◡`♥)

especially my best friend Benny ! 

Besides Party I also went shopping on beautiful christmas markets quite a lot! (´・ω・`)

and here the beautiful christmas decoration on the streets, in the mall & at home! 


and what would christmas be without the tastiest traditional self-made christmas biscuits? ^.^

we even have a nutcracker, look! 
I wonder if he turns into a prince if i kiss him? *^^*

i've also received some beautiful christmas cards from my lovely friends in spain and japan!

And this was my New Year's Eve! 

(yup, i dyed my hair that day! ^^)

Well, that's how my vacation went so far & i loved it since i've had a pretty exciting one!

I hope you all had an amazing year 2013 as well,
but i also hope you'll have an even more amazing 2014 of course! 

xoxo  Micky


☆Winter Vacation 2013~ Hokkaido, Japan ☆

This was my trip to let the year 2013 have it's perfect ending. 
I've been to Japan!
Finally seeing my friends again was definitely the best thing about this trip.
But besides that, we also went snowboarding, shopping and enjoying the tasty japanese kitchen a lot.
In Comparison to England or Germany, Japan was quite cold already and it even snowed in Sapporo!
It was wonderful tho for me, as usual when i travel to Japan.
I simply love this country. 
The people are all so nice & everything is just so interesting. 
It's like you can never get enough of it.

Of course I didn't travel all the way to Japan without taking a single photograph, so here they come.

when i arrived in Tokyo it was really rainy but not so cold.

we also went to disney sea where akio bought me that cute bear & we could enjoy the beautiful christmas atmosphere.

party is always good.👍

dinner with the cutest boy ever :3

i've also worked on my black & white photography of daily life sceneries a little while in japan.
There are streets in Sapporo & the Otaru train station.

xoxo  Micky

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